the preorder and the photoshoot

Preorders, limited editions, and maybe finding time to breathe.

I’m not going to ramble. I’m not going to mention how long it’s been between newsletters. And I’m not going to harp about the craziness that is caring for a preemie amidst sicknesses and delayed surgeries.

Starting now.

It’s February, which means the release of Threads of Light is less than a month away. Let me tell you three cool things about that.

1) Preorder sale! Today only, you can get a paperback or hardcover of Threads of Light for 25% off at Barnes & Noble with the code PREORDER25. Seriously—only today, February 7, 2025. Snag your hard copy today.

2) eBook fans, listen up. If you missed the call for ARCs on my Instagram, you can still be one of the first to read Threads of Light. The eBook is now available to preorder on Amazon. You can also read Marrow and Soul, the first book, on KU right now!

(P.S.—congrats to Aaralynn and Katie, who won the hardcover ARC giveaways on Instagram!)

3) The first review is in. One of my ARC readers has chimed in, and I quote: “Even more action-packed than the first, Threads of Light is a unique adventure filled with family (blood and found), twists, and a fascinating world unlike anything you’ve read before.” To read the full review or to leave your own (looking at you, Kickstarter and ARC fam), go to Goodreads now!

The Photoshoot

Most of the limited editions are already on their way to readers! Custom covers, Illustrated endpapers, ribbon bookmarks, luxurious cream paper, and coded annotations abound with these babies. If you missed the Kickstarter, don’t fret—you can snag your own special books when the next one launches this fall. In the meantime, enjoy these sweet pics.

Writing Updates

TAMELANDS // I’m having a blast. This cozy fantasy on a mystical nature preserve is a delight to explore. My goal is to finish drafting by the end of March. Here’s a snippet from Chapter 16:

Jock was whittling something in a rocking chair on the porch of the junior barracks when Shepherd and Typho trudged up. When he saw them, his jaw dropped in astonishment, and a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

Shepherd knew why. He and Typho were drenched from head to toe, their clothes saturated with black-and-white stains. They’d discarded their hats at the first opportunity; no amount of soap would have been able to salvage them.

“What happened to you two?” Jock asked, settling aside his whittling knife.

Shepherd looked at Typho, who stared back with a flat expression as if to say, You take this one. He settled on the barest of answers. “Lorikeets.”

“Do you want to be more specific?”


Jock bit his bottom lip. “Did you just get pooped on by an entire flock of lorikeets?”

Typho raised his finger to interject, then shot another glance at Shepherd. “Um . . . no.”

from Project TAMELANDS

SPOOKY THE THIRD // That’s right—we’re back to book 3! The manuscript is already off my editor, who will start working on it in less than two weeks. The edit ends March 31, which is exactly when I want to finish TAMELANDS so I can dive into revisions. I believe this book has the strongest craft of manuscript I’ve written so far, which means I’m primed for my editor to knock me down a peg.

KICKSTARTER // Limited editions have gone out this week, and Nightlight Boxes will be packed and shipped over the next few days.

THREADS OF LIGHT // 25 days until publication! In case you forgot about the 25% preorder sale at Barnes & Noble or the eBook preorder at Amazon…well, there you go.

As always…

Don’t forget to check out Marrow and Soul wherever books are sold!