Three thousand six hundred fifty-three?


Question of the Week

Do you experience writer’s block (or similar blocks in your work/hobbies)? If so, how do you react?

My answer in the next newsletter!

The numbers are in, and…

…you all blew my mind. In less than a month, 97 backers came together to raise $3,653 for Marrow and Soul’s Kickstarter campaign. We reached our funding goal in 11 minutes, got a “Project We Love” badge from Kickstarter, AND achieved several awesome stretch goals, including:

  • a backer-exclusive Q&A and limited edition giveaway;

  • two pastry recipes from the world of Vitalia;

  • a short story featuring one of my favorite side characters;

  • and a portrait of our protagonist from one of my favorite book artists!

Maybe you’re thinking, “How can I get in on these goodies?”

Good news: I’ll be sharing exclusives, giveaways, and more on the road to publishing Marrow and Soul. As we count down to the release date, this newsletter will be chock-full of fictional (yet very real) goodness.

Writing Tip of the Week

Take notes before you change anything. As my alpha readers dissect Project SPOOKY SEQUEL, I’m keeping a list of edits to make for every chapter. This way, I can keep the changes cohesive with a full body of feedback to draw from. The only exceptions are typos and small grammar incidents.

My editing notes document has nearly 4,000 words and counting. That may sound daunting, but I find it liberating. I can check off each item as I go, knowing that I won’t miss anything important.

Writing Updates

Marrow and Soul: Here’s the rough to-do list for the next two months:

  • Prepare manuscript and rewards (now)

  • Collect funds from Kickstarter (mid-November)

  • Order books and supplies (late November)

  • Send digital rewards (early December)

  • Send physical rewards (mid-December)

From the Kickstarter funds, I’m spending nearly $500 in shipping and another two grand or so on books and merchandise. Can’t wait!

Project SPOOKY SEQUEL: Alpha reads are coming to a close in the next couple of weeks. Then I’ll make revisions based on their notes and send the manuscript off to my editor!

Project SPOOKY THREEQUEL: That’s a real “100%” you see on the graphic. The outline is done, and only two days behind schedule! As soon as SPOOKY SEQUEL’s manuscript is through revisions, I’ll begin drafting this beauty.

Warning: it’ll probably break your heart. I know it’ll break mine.

Project VESPER: With one outline done, I can focus on finishing this outline before the new year. At the moment, I’m facing severe temptation from another story idea, but my resolve remains intact for the moment*. Vesper’s story will be told.

As an exercise, I made a beat-by-beat outline for the first scene, and I am loving it.

*Did you notice the repetition of “moment”? Removing extraneous words like these is one aspect of my work as a line/copy editor.

One last thing…

I’ve deeply enjoyed taking on my first set of editing clients this year. In 2024, I’m raising my prices to reflect my experience and added value. If you want to avoid the price hike for your next manuscript, shoot me a message. More details to come.

See ya,
